Try Legendary Marketer’s 15 Day Business Builder Challenge
Video transcript:
Hey, welcome back. Today’s day eight of my epic seventy-five-day business and mindset challenge. And today I wanted to share my results with you over the past seven days.
But not so fast peoples.
Before we get into my results. Make sure you subscribe to the channel. Click that notification bell so you continue to get all the awesome tips, tactics, and insights I pick up along the way.
Let’s get into.
I’m Paul Salinas and I’ve started an epic seventy-five-day business and mindset challenge, I’m combining Andy Frisella’s 75 Hard challenge, to get my mind right and Legendary Marketer’s 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge to get my money right.
That’s right.
Quick question. How are your goals going? Did you have a big win or a small win last week?
If you did, you should be proud of yourself. And I want to read about them. Put “big win” or “small win” in the comments below and I’m going to check it out.
All right. So let’s see what’s happened in seven short days of this challenge.
Drum roll, please.
All right. So let’s take a look.
So for YouTube, I had one hundred YouTube subscribers for one of the goals over the seventy-five-day challenge. And I’ve got two and I’m super happy about that because I started the channel. And to me, even though it’s only two subscribers and some would say that’s a small win to me, it’s actually a big win. I’ve got momentum.
And, you know, I’m building confidence knowing that I can do this. And listen, this is just the beginning, and let’s see what happens at the end of the entire 75-day journey.
But I’m very optimistic.
Now in regards to my email subscribers. I’ve got zero. And I knew I’d have zero because I’ve had no calls to action to even subscribe to an email list yet. I will be working on that soon. In fact, that’s one of the game plans this week is kind of getting all the parts I need to really build this online business.
Now, in regards to business, I have a five thousand dollar revenue goal and I’ve got zero dollars right now.
And hopefully, this isn’t as I do these weekly updates. I think I’m going to be doing them every Monday? I don’t plan on it being zero forever. That’s definitely not the goal.
So it’s you know, I have a lot of work to do to kind of get things and all the systems in place, but I’m excited about that as well.
And in regards to my weight goal, I’m pretty proud about that. I came in at 187 or actually 186.6 and this morning I weighed in at 181 so that’s a net of a six-pound weight loss drop.
And I’m super happy about that.
That being said, whatever challenge or goal you’re currently working on, keep going, do not quit because you know you’ll be happy you did.
And if quitting is truly not an option for you, hit that “like” button.
And by the way, if you’d like to join me on this online business-building journey, I’d love to support you.
Click the link in the description below and you’ll get all the details.
Thanks again for subscribing. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, make sure you subscribe to the channel. Click that notification bell so you continue to get all the awesome tips, tactics, and insights I pick up along the way.
This epic seventy-five-day online business and mindset challenge.