Try Legendary Marketer’s 15 Day Business Builder Challenge
Video transcript:
Welcome back. Today’s day 10 of my epic seventy-five-day business and mindset challenge.
And today I want to talk about traffic.
No, I’m not talking about traffic that upsets you when you’re racing to catch a dinner reservation. I’m talking about traffic that puts money in your pocket.
You know, moolah, greenbacks, duckets, clams, bands. I’m talking customers, I’m talking lead generation. I’m talking about the high-income skills you must have if you want to have a successful online business.
Let’s get into it.
But not so fast peoples.
Before we talk traffic, make sure you subscribe to the channel. Click that notification bell so you continue to get all the awesome tips, tactics, and insights I pick up along the way.
I’m Paul Salinas and I’ve started an epic seventy-five-day business and mindset challenge and today is day 10. And not only is it day 10 today, it’s St. Paddy’s Day.
So happy St. Paddy’s Day. I’ve got my green shirt on, and grandma, happy birthday. I love you.
I’m combining Andy Frisella’s 75 Hard Challenge to get my mind right and Legendary Marketers, 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge to get my money right.
That’s right.
In other words, for the next seventy-five days, I’m starting and building an online business from scratch and in public. With the whole goal of making five thousand dollars more along the way.
Quick question.
How many of you either have a YouTube channel, a website, an online business and need more traffic?
If you need more traffic, put “more traffic” in the comments. So I know to make more videos about traffic in the future.
Go ahead, do it. No seriously in the comments.
So I was on a Zoom call yesterday and it was part of a high-level mastermind group that I’m involved in to help me accelerate the current online business that I’m working on.
And the subject of traffic came up. And basically, to kind of sum it up, to sum up, the conversation, is that regardless of what offer you have or what online business you have, even if it’s a brick and mortar business, in order to actually turn a profit in those businesses, you need traffic.
So the high-income skill of lead generation was really front and center. And with any business you you have or are trying to pursue, you must learn the high-income skill of traffic and lead generation to make it work.
So to add a bit more clarity about traffic, there’s basically three types of traffic.
There’s organic traffic, which is traffic you get from social media, Google search, even YouTube, Pinterest.
Then there’s traffic or paid media, which is you’re running Facebook ads, Google, PPC, LinkedIn ads, YouTube ads, and then there is earned traffic.
And earned traffic is a by-product of people seeing you and you building rapport with them so they know like and trust you and they actually seek you out in the future.
And I just say all that. So you understand that traffic is a real thing and how you develop that traffic is really up to you.
Now, in day number nine of the Legendary Marketer’s, 15-Day Online Business Builder Blueprint Dave Sharp dives into this subject and talks more about this high-income skill that everyone must have in order to have a successful online business.
And he talks about the art of lead generation and how to generate traffic.
So regardless of what type of traffic you’re trying to do, and regardless of how you learn it, whether you pay for a course, whether you buy a blueprint or whether you learn it on YouTube, learn it on your own through just grit.
I just want to be very clear that the high-income skill of traffic and lead generation is a must to have a successful online business.
So if learning a high-income skill like traffic and lead generation makes sense to you, if the idea of learning how to get eyeballs to your product or service, if that makes sense to you, hit the “like” button let me know that makes sense to you.
So if you want to have a successful online business, you need to put the right tools into your tool belt at the right time.
And one of those tools is a high-income skill that, you know, is traffic and lead generation. Get the traffic to a high converting offer and you’ve got a winner.
You’re making money and you’re happy. Hope that helps.
By the way, if you want to join me on this online business-building journey and do the same thing I’m doing. Click the link in the description and get all the details.
And thanks again for subscribing. If you haven’t subscribed yet, make sure you subscribe to the channel. Click that notification bell so you continue to get all the awesome tips, tactics, and insights I pick up along the way this epic seventy-five day business in mindset challenge.